Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You know you're cool, when...

You talk to yourself.

The house is mostly empty (except for your hermit brother) and so you blast music and dance around when Mr. Blue Sky comes on.

You sing just about every moment of your life

When things get awkward, youj either say "welll...yeah....this is getting awkward..." or "right...I'm going to stop talking now..." (stop talking now can be replaced by I'm gonna go now and the backing away slowly.)

You punch yourself in the head because you dancing like an idiot.

So today is my fifth happy day in a row, SCORE!! Really, I'm on top of the world right now. I just hope I don't jinx it. you also know you're cool when instead of jinx you write kinx and then you can't fix it until you stop laughing) The musical opens in 23 days!!! WHAT???? You don't know what i'm talking about??/ Well, that must be fixed! My school is doing Lers Miserables for our musical this year (we alternate musicals and plays. This year is Les Mis.) and yours truly is Madame Thenardier. Yeah! And my very good friend Avery is Valjean, go him! Seriously, he is so amazing. But he thinks he's not. Cuz he's lame. Anyway, that's all I had to say. Live long and prosper.

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