Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pain is an invention of the mind

It really is. Cause ya know, if you're in pain and stop thinking about being in pain, you're no longer in pain! See how that works? So... that drama festival Seriously though, it really was fun. There was lots of nommy nommy food, and an awards ceremony (we won two, for our director and our stage manager.) and a small dance, and even that was fun. I don't do the whole dance thing. Well, no, that's a lie, I dance, but not in public in a place where it costs more money to dance and be exhausted with no food than it would to stay home, dance, get exhausted and have unlimited amounts of food. But I met this girl, and she's really cool. New friends are always a bonus.

Would you care to settle a debate? In the Corpse Bride, which I mentioned in my last post, does Victor love Emily? (the corpse bride) Because my friend says that he does. But he also loves Victoria, the girl he was supposed to marry originally. So, my question is: Why would he let Emily 'die' if he loved her? That is all. Goodnight world, see you when I see you.

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