Monday, March 15, 2010

At the risk of getting myself more haters than fans, let's talk for a second about...

People who yell at and critisize you for every single thing that you do but you notice that they do worse things than you do. Like "Oh no, you made a loud noise!" Okay, little Miss Lie-about-most-things-and-fight-with-my-little-sister-over-everything-because-she-gets-mad-and-it's-funny, who died and made you perfect? Really. God gave you your own life without your own imperfections, so don't focus on mine. No one gives a crap that you think you're better than me. What you need to do is get a reality check and realize that none of us posess a single perfect cell in our bodies. Not even me. I am a selfish whiny little fat head who focuses too much on complaining about herself and trying to convince people that she's not a girly girl, is a total tom boy but may just be a tiny little bit girly (but not overly girly. Just not as 'butch' as she sometimes pretends) and you don't see me pointing out every little flaw. Geez. You should all just hold a convention and point out each others flaws, so that none of the rest of us have to hear you nit pick and you can critisize each other without ever getting annoyed, because that's another thing you can critisize.

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