Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I have a headache. A very big headache. But not a real headache. Well, sort of a real headache, becasue I just clonked my head on a wall, but that's not the point. I am trying to comprehend the mess that is Twila, the Girl Who Waz in Luv with a Vampyre, which is almost as bad as My Immortal. Not to mention that I'm sitting in English class and it always drives me insane because, just my luck, I get stuck with the idiots who decide that hair clothes and boyfriends make a future (alright, so I'm sure they have more subtance to them I guess, but it doesn't seem like it.) Not to mention that I am an outcast, that girl you see walking in the halls, eyes down, mp3 out, book in front of her face? Yeah, that's me. The overweight girl who looks about ready to kill someone. But she has friends. And you've seen them. But they're outcasts too. And you watch while the people try to cut her down for wearing whatever the hell pops out of her closet at her first thing in the morning, and then she writes about it on he rblog, not mentioning names for chance that it might get discovered and she might get caught and penalized, her life made a living hell, her spirit broken. They tell you life's not really like that. But what do they know?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Encore is my new favorite word.

That's right, encore is my new favorite word. Know why? Cuz we're doing an encore performance of a few songs from the musical, that's why! I am so happy! Plus we get to do a song for the Cappies, which is basically the Oscars (is that the movie one? Eh, I dunno, they're all the same to me) for the school performances of Niagara (At least here it's the Niagra Region, I don't know if they do this elsewhere.) And we've been NOMINATED! WHOOO! Actually, they try to give us fair chance, so most people got nominated, but still. And, yours truly got nominated for Supporting Actress (which is weird, but oh well. I'll live.)

EDIT NOTE: The encore was great. Granted, it was just the song we were nominated for, but still. Better than nothing. The DVD's came in as well. I love it. Well, could been shot better, but it was still great. Got lots of pictures too. Cappies is on Thursday. Can't wait. Adios, amigos.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Attack of The Sadish Radish

That's right, I am a Sadish Radish. We've been finished performances for five days (yes, it's been about 25 days, give or take since the last post) and I am so sad. The set has been dismantled, and their painting the stage black again tonight. I am so sad about it. But we can purchase DVD's, so it's not ALL bad. Still pretty depressing

Anyway, I am in the middle of English class right now. My teacher may yell at me at any moment. We've got to compare three different movie versions of one scene from Hamlet (Mel Gibson, Keneth Branagh and David Tennat...David Tennant FTW) I'm a little bit not having any insperation. But I'm about to get yelled at, any second. So I'm leaving you with this very small post and one final word : Anomotapea. And I don't even think I spelled it correctly. Anyway, Adios!