Friday, October 21, 2011

Music and Me

I very much love music. I cannot be productive without a good song blaring in my ears. I do not like going anywhere without some sort of music playing device. I've been told, however, that my collection of music is weird. And okay, I'll admit, it's a little...different. It's all from musicals, or kids shows. The only actual bands I have are Chameleon Circuit and Omnia, save a random song here or there. But it's all good music.

Speaking of good music, I just heard the greatest song ever. It's called Wake Up, and it's by a band called Omnia, and it's so cheerful and melodical and uplifting. I love it. And it's a little corny, but I love it. It's wonderful, and completely all about waking up in the morning. It even starts with a whispered "Hey, wake up"

Anyway, not only do I find it enjoyable and not only does it help me be productive, but music is a good therapist. Whatever my emotion, I can always rely on music to relate to it. And I guess it always makes me feel better, even if it does so by making me cry or angry.

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