Friday, October 21, 2011

Music and Me

I very much love music. I cannot be productive without a good song blaring in my ears. I do not like going anywhere without some sort of music playing device. I've been told, however, that my collection of music is weird. And okay, I'll admit, it's a little...different. It's all from musicals, or kids shows. The only actual bands I have are Chameleon Circuit and Omnia, save a random song here or there. But it's all good music.

Speaking of good music, I just heard the greatest song ever. It's called Wake Up, and it's by a band called Omnia, and it's so cheerful and melodical and uplifting. I love it. And it's a little corny, but I love it. It's wonderful, and completely all about waking up in the morning. It even starts with a whispered "Hey, wake up"

Anyway, not only do I find it enjoyable and not only does it help me be productive, but music is a good therapist. Whatever my emotion, I can always rely on music to relate to it. And I guess it always makes me feel better, even if it does so by making me cry or angry.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back from the dead

But not the literal dead, cause that's impossible. Well, maybe not impossible, but highly improbable. Or at least, it is with the limited technology we have. By which I mean that we're not super high tech aliens or anything. Although, according to Doctor Who, not even aliens can come back from the dead (plenty of them can avoid death, be it regenerations or not being able to die at all, or dumb luck or whatever). But I digress.
So! Plenty of stuff has happened since I last updated. The main one I think being that I haven't been that much of a downer since then. If you recall, the last couple of posts (and the first couple..actually most of them, save a few in the middle) were all gloom and doom and sadness and hate and yadda yadda yadda, I'm a whiny little beech nut tree. Well, I'm feeling much more upbeat and at peace with the world, and have for a while. The second biggest thing is that I am now almost nineteen. So, almost legal! I also have a full time job (or, will soon, anyway) and so I'm going to be way too busy to slip back into a rut. And finally, I've come to the realization that being a hermit may not always be the best choice. Getting out is good for the soul. (of course, too much being out makes me want to kill you, but that's another tale for another time)

I've recently discovered the wonders of Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles and I must say, so far it's a very good read. Course, I'm not even halfway through the first book, but so far I love it. I saw the movie the other day, and fell in absolute love with Lestat. I don't even know why, he's just the greatest. Which I think is one of the reasons why I loved the ending so much. That, and the whole "Louis, Louis...still whining Louis" part was pure gold. Anyway, I hope there are some people out there to miss me, and that if there had been, they hung on. However, all statistics show that I have zero people looking at this...which is probably why I speak so freely and uninhibitedly. I spelled that wrong, and I'm also not even sure it's a word. Anyway. I will leave with one final statement: I need some sleep...and he needs a nose...and I need some sleep...and some new glasses...and he needs a manicure...right, carry on too long now. Goodnight, world.