Saturday, December 1, 2012


Seriously, this infrequent updating has to stop! I've either got to start updating frequently, or take down this blog that no one pays attention to. And do you know why no one pays attention to you? Of course you do, but do I? That's the question. One I know the answer to, by the way. The answer, boys and girls, is: Because I blither on about nonsense and update painfully infrequently. Well, I'm attempting to change that, but likely that just means I'm gonna post maybe one more entry before we hit December of 2013. Anyway, let's move on to blithering!

So, I have not mentioned it here (though anybody who's seen one of the few infrequent posts on Tumblr are well aware) but I am starting college in January. This is a fairly big deal for me, because I am slightly older than the ideal college-attending age (About two. Which makes me twenty, in case you were wondering) and also because new schools always make me nervous. Well, back in elementary school it was every new grade, but throughout high school, the only really scary new thing was moving from elementary school to high school. I have a feeling that once I get there, it won't be scary after a while, cause it won't, but, I digress.

Sims 3 Seasons was released not too long ago, and I'm fully enjoying it. Seasons was always one of my favourite Sims 2 expansions, and so I got quite excited when I heard they were releasing a Sims 3 version. I was doing NaNoWriMo (which I also talked about on Tumblr) this month, and my computer is crappy and old, so I wasn't going to get it until later, but then I caved and got it anyway. It's quite wonderful. It's going to be Spooky Day soon, and they've already carved their pumpkins and the mother has been invited to a costume party, and now I'm just waiting for it to get a little darker so that the little girl can go parade around in her alien costume and get free candy.

Nothing else of importance is really happening to me lately, so what about you guys? Any of you do NaNoWriMo? If so, how was it? Do you play The Sims? If so, do you have Seasons and what do you think of it? Any college tips for me? How's the weather down there? Anything about you I want to know, cause I have no social life, and I feel cruddy blithering on about just myself.